Satellite 2019 Livestream
Livestream begins May 23rd, 09:35am CEST
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Keynote Session
Nat Friedman, Chief Executive Officer (GitHub)
Nat Friedman is CEO of GitHub, and drives the company’s vision of a global community of developers building the future together. Nat is passionate about building products that delight developers, and is a long-time leader in the open source community. He has co-founded two companies: Xamarin in 2011, where he served as CEO through acquisition by Microsoft in 2016, and Ximian in 1999. He is also co-founder of AI Grant, the GNOME Foundation, and co-founder and chairman of California YIMBY.
Dana Lawson, VP of Engineering (GitHub)
Dana Lawson has 20 years of experience as an engineer and engineering leader. She has worn many hats to complement a product’s lifecycle through her leadership roles at Heptio, Invision, New Relic and GitHub where she currently serves as VP of Engineering. With a background in fine arts, she brings her creative vision to chart new waters and lead the engineering teams of the future.
Devon Zuegel, Product Manager of the Open Source Economy team (GitHub)
Devon is the Product Manager of the Open Source Economy team at GitHub. She is a writer and programmer based out of San Francisco, and she blogs about cooperation problems, market design, and urban economics.
Shanku Niyogi, SVP of Product (GitHub)
Shanku Niyogi is GitHub’s Senior Vice President of Product, where he leads the teams responsible for GitHub’s product roadmap, including product strategy, management, and design.
Shanku has had a career-long passion for building products that empower developers and software teams. Prior to joining GitHub in January 2019, Shanku led developer product teams at Google, Microsoft, and Chef and was involved in products such as Visual Studio Code, TypeScript, ASP.NET, and Google Cloud.

GitHub as a self-sustaining product for large-scale environments
From security to provisioning, there are a lot of challenges companies face as they scale their workflows.
In this session, you'll learn how Scout24 went from using four different Source Code Management tools to one streamlined workflow while growing their repositories and users in a fast-paced environment.
Jannet Faiz, Engineering Manager (Scout24 AG)
Jannet Faiz is an Engineering Manager for the Platform Engineering department at Scout24. She's currently leading the teams for Delivery Engineering, like continuous integration workflows and products, and migration of Scout24 to the cloud with the intention of shutting down data centers this year. Jannet believes in the platform model for increasing productivity for product teams.
Innersource is GitHub culture and open source prinicples
Thomas Aidan Curran, Cofounder, co-CTO (Ory sh, Inc)
Thomas concentrates on product design, product development and the product roadmap in concert with the voices of developers from around the world in the Ory open source community.
Prior to joining Ory, Thomas was an advisor to numerous companies regarding software engineering, cloud computing, and security. He is an expert in helping organisations and teams achieve high productivity and automation. He was CTO at Deutsche Telekom, SAP Hybris, and Bertelsmann. He has also had four startups so far, including Bench the first version control system for Windows based on GNU RCS.
Thomas is passionate about building and using software.

Continuous Deployment at Skyscanner
Skyscanner practise Continuous Deployment wherever possible and have a robust deployment system in place – but it’s not been easy and there’s been plenty of bumps and unintended consequences along the way. Tools that work at a smaller scale become strategic roadblocks as you try to move your team into a faster and safer path to production. Stuart will hope to dispel the myth that you need to be "all-in" from the start and walk through how Skyscanner got to where they are, one step and one transition at a time
Stuart Davidson, Senior Engineering Manager (Skyscanner)
Stuart Davidson is a Senior Engineering Manager at Skyscanner, where he is heavily involved with the enablement of developers and development teams. He is dedicated to the reduction of friction around getting products to travellers, be the source technical or organisational.
Maintaining the maintainers: Supporting independent open source tools
Maintainers often lack adequate resources, face communication issues, and work themselves to exhaustion to keep tools we love running. And sometimes, they’re rewarded for their efforts with harassment and trolling instead of gratitude.
This panel will debate whether formalized support like an accelerator program for maintainers could provide motivation in the face of these challenges or if the risks of corporatism outweigh the benefits. At the center of this discussion will be the core question, “How do we help more people to work in open source independently?”
Don Goodman-Wilson, Developer Advocate, EMEA (GitHub)
Don is a philosopher-engineer, and a developer advocate at GitHub. He focuses on empowering software developers, and especially open-source software maintainers by helping them identify the best tools, and best practices for their craft. In previous lives, Don has worked with startups and established companies in such diverse fields as web security, chatbots, streaming media, embedded hardware, and model railroading; he also holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Washington University in St. Louis. Don enjoys statically typed languages and sailing, and lives with his wife and daughter in Amsterdam.
Floor Drees, Product Marketing Manager (Microsoft)
Floor works as a Developer Product Marketing Manager for Microsoft (Azure), with a focus on OSS and Linux solutions. Floor spent her career so far in tech start-ups in roles connecting engineering and communication, ran a co-working space and start-up accelerator. Privately she spends her time organizing Ruby and OSS community events, and doing write-ups for meetups and conferences
K Rain Leander, OpenStack Liaison (Red Hat)
K Rain Leander is a systematic, slightly psychic, interdisciplinary community liaison with a Bachelor’s in dance and a Master’s in IT. An epic public speaker, she has disappeared within a box stuffed with swords, created life, and went skydiving with the Queen. Seriously. Rain is an active technical contributor with OpenStack, RDO, TripleO, Fedora, CentOS and DjangoGirls. Come say hello. Bring cake.
Open source for good: the people and projects driving change
As we strive to make progress on looming social issues like class divides, climate change, and access to education, innovation is key. New technologies are one of the most effective ways we can manage the complexity of these problems—bringing together institutions, developers, and companies to build collaborative open source solutions—and many of them are being built on GitHub.
In this session you’ll hear from people who are working at the intersection of social change and open source technology and walk away inspired by their stories of impact on some of the most important issues of our time.
Admas Kanyagia, Senior Director of Social Impact (GitHub)
Admas Kanyagia is the Senior Director of Social Impact at GitHub, where she leads the philanthropic and CSR efforts on behalf of the company. She has over fifteen years of working across the social sector—with foundations, corporations, nonprofits and government. Prior to GitHub, Admas was a Director at FSG, a nonprofit strategy consulting firm, where she gained deep expertise in corporate social responsibility, shared value, equity, community engagement and mobilization, systems change, human-centered design and systems thinking. Prior to FSG, Admas worked for Accenture’s Public Sector practice and guided federal agencies and non-profit organizations in strategy development, organizational design and business process improvement. Admas has a M.A. from the Harvard Kennedy School and a B.A from Stanford University.
Catherine Stihler, CEO (Open Knowledge Foundation)
Catherine Stihler has been chief executive of Open Knowledge Foundation since February 2019. Prior to this, she represented Scotland as a Member of the European Parliament since 1999. As Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, she worked on digital policy, prioritising the digital single market, digital skills, better accessibility of digital products for the disabled, as well as citizen online data protection and privacy. As leader and founder of the All-Party Library Group she promoted and advocated for the importance of libraries and how libraries can remain relevant in the new digital age.
Born in Bellshill in 1973, Catherine was educated at Coltness High School, Wishaw and St Andrews University, where she was awarded a MA (Hons) Geography and International Relations (1996), and a MLitt in International Security Studies (1998). Before becoming a MEP, Catherine served as President of St Andrews University Students Association (1994-1995) and worked in the House of Commons for Dame Anne Begg MP (1997-1999). She has a Master of Business Administration from the Open University, and in 2018 was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of St Andrews. Catherine was elected to serve as the 52nd Rector of the University of St Andrews between 2014 and 2017.

Hong Phuc Dang, Founder (FOSSASIA)
Hong Phuc Dang founded FOSSASIA in 2009 as a community devoted to improve people’s lives through sharing open technologies, knowledge and fostering global connections. Hong was recently elected as a board director of the Open Source Initiative. She also acts as the InnerSource manager at Zalando where she helps to bring open source culture and practices within the corporate walls and supports the company to become a good open source citizen.
Tribes at ENGIE Digital: when shiny tools don't make it all
To design and build software, tools are not the magic answer and are only driving us halfway when taking hundreds of thousands of employees' projects to the next level. That's why ENGIE Digital has taken change management beyond powerpoint slides with a tribes dynamic: A fluid community powered by digital experts that helps our business and IT teams make smarter choice based on a common track-record and proven practices.
In this session, you'll learn how ENGIE Digital is strengthening collective intelligence, moving faster, making digital knowledge and reusable code available for all.
Charline Grenet, Head of Digital Communities and Communication (ENGIE Digital)
Coming from a crisis and politics communication background, no one guessed Charline Grenet would ever stumble upon and fall in love with digital and IT geeks. Now Head of Digital Communities and Communication at ENGIE Digital, global energy and services Group of 150,000 employees in 70 countries, Charline's one and only goal is to make digital do-ers proud of what they do best.
Innersource: open source collaboration patterns beyond public FOSS projects
Europace AG, a Berlin-based FinTech company, has been piloting innersource efforts for over two years. During that time, they've followed and contributed to, a global, cross-organization initiative to further innersource practices that “apply the lessons of open source to all software engineering, using collaboration and transparency to increase quality, speed, and developer joy”.
This session will take your team on a journey from innersource as a vague idea to an organization that embraces open source collaboration techniques with developers who contribute to open source projects themselves.
Isabel Drost-Fromm, Open Source Strategist (Europace AG)
Isabel Drost-Fromm is an Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She’s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout, and a mentor for several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search, and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin, she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit—as a result, she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale, and storage.
In the Shadow of the Black Hole
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a global network of millimeter-wavelength radio telescopes that uses Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) to synthesize the resolution of a single, Earth-sized telescope. In April 2017 the EHT observed the black hole in the center of the giant galaxy M87. Turning these observations into an image required the development of new software tools across the global EHT collaboration, and relied on a wealth of open-source software made available to the broader scientific community. In this panel talk, six members of the EHT team will walk through the entire EHT experiment from the individual telescopes that record the data through the calibration, imaging, and interpretation of the observations that lead to the first-ever direct image of a black hole released to the world on April 10th of this year.
Andrew Chael, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Kazu Akiyama, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Sara Issaoun, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Lindy Blackburn, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

CK Chan, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Roman Gold, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Keynote Session
Nat Friedman, Chief Executive Officer (GitHub)
Nat Friedman is CEO of GitHub, and drives the company’s vision of a global community of developers building the future together. Nat is passionate about building products that delight developers, and is a long-time leader in the open source community. He has co-founded two companies: Xamarin in 2011, where he served as CEO through acquisition by Microsoft in 2016, and Ximian in 1999. He is also co-founder of AI Grant, the GNOME Foundation, and co-founder and chairman of California YIMBY.
Dana Lawson, VP of Engineering (GitHub)
Dana Lawson has 20 years of experience as an engineer and engineering leader. She has worn many hats to complement a product’s lifecycle through her leadership roles at Heptio, Invision, New Relic and GitHub where she currently serves as VP of Engineering. With a background in fine arts, she brings her creative vision to chart new waters and lead the engineering teams of the future.
Devon Zuegel, Product Manager of the Open Source Economy team (GitHub)
Devon is the Product Manager of the Open Source Economy team at GitHub. She is a writer and programmer based out of San Francisco, and she blogs about cooperation problems, market design, and urban economics.
Shanku Niyogi, SVP of Product (GitHub)
Shanku Niyogi is GitHub’s Senior Vice President of Product, where he leads the teams responsible for GitHub’s product roadmap, including product strategy, management, and design.
Shanku has had a career-long passion for building products that empower developers and software teams. Prior to joining GitHub in January 2019, Shanku led developer product teams at Google, Microsoft, and Chef and was involved in products such as Visual Studio Code, TypeScript, ASP.NET, and Google Cloud.

Open source in the enterprise: using GitHub to run your Open Source Programs Office
Open Source Programs Offices (OSPOs) can be effective for running open source programs inside your enterprise.
In this session, you'll learn how an OSPOs work, see how GitHub's tools can help your developers be productive and safe with open source, and get a peek at what's ahead.
Kathy Simpson, Senior Director of Product Management (GitHub)
Kathy Simpson is Senior Director of Product Management at GitHub, where she leads Developer Experience in navigating code collaboration, workflow and efficiency.
Kathy has an engineering background and has always been a maker at heart with a passion for technology. She's played a critical role in the creation of new products such as Heroku's developer dashboard and enterprise workflow management systems, and works to make every product successful well beyond launch. Her curiosity for building is fueled by exploring new tools, prototyping potential solutions and investigating different processes.
Prior to GitHub, Kathy worked as Senior Product Manager on the Human Interface Team at Heroku. Before Heroku, Kathy was a Senior Product Manager for Disqus, where she ran the core commenting platform. She studied Philosophy and Physical Anthropology at Pacific Lutheran University.

Continuous Integration and Deployment: Five Lessons Learned
As builders, we love taking a step back, learning from our users and understanding how they use the tools we build. We looked at some of the most popular open source projects on GitHub, and we talked with enterprises using GitHub for their code, collaboration and automation. In this presentation, we 'll share five lessons learned when it comes to continuous integration and deployments.
You'll leave the room with new ideas on how to improve your workflows, ship with higher confidence and deliver better quality products.
Simina Pasat, Director of Product Management (GitHub)
Simina Pasat is a Director of Product Management at GitHub, where she manages partnerships and special projects. She builds products in a customer-focused way and loves to ship solutions in quick iterations, learn from them and then make fast improvements. Prior to GitHub, Simina worked as a Product Manager at Microsoft, on mobile developer and CI tools. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors.
Jamie Cool, Director of Program Management (Microsoft)
Jamie is the Director of Program Management for the Azure DevOps team. A 20 year Microsoft veteran, the majority spent building platforms and tools for developers. He is currently based out of North Carolina where he is working to make Azure Devops a great set of foundational developer services for both Microsoft and it’s customers.
Software security, trust, and public policy
Through funding, regulation, and agenda setting, public policy can and does make software more secure—and less secure.
This session will dig into case studies in Europe of how public policy has supported security, or inadvertently threatened to make software more fragile, including how these policies came about, how they impact software security, and how developers influenced the policies. We’ll also cover how developers and industry are working with policymakers and governments to ensure policy supports rather than undermines security and trust, and what you can do as a developer, team member, and citizen to help.
Mike Linksvayer, Director, Policy (GitHub)
Mike Linksvayer is the Policy Director at GitHub, supporting the company's efforts to advocate for developers in the public policy realm. Mike has worked in the open source space for a long time, including as a volunteer director of Software Freedom Conservancy, and previously as VP and CTO of Creative Commons. Before that, Mike was a software engineer.
Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament (European Parliament)
Marietje Schaake is a Dutch politician and has been serving as a Member of the European Parliament since 2009. She is a member of D66, part of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) political group. She is Coordinator on the International Trade committee, where she is the ALDE spokesperson on transatlantic trade and digital trade. Schaake also serves on the committee on Foreign Affairs and the subcommittee on Human Rights. She is the Vice-President of the US Delegation and serves on the Iran Delegation and the Delegation for the Arab peninsula. Furthermore, Schaake is the founder of the European Parliament Intergroup on the Digital Agenda for Europe. In 2017 she was Chief of the European Union Election Observation Mission in Kenya. Since 2014, Schaake is a ‘Young Global Leader’ with the World Economic Forum and she was recently appointed as co-chair of the WEF Global Future Council on Agile Governance. Schaake is a Member of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity, the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace and chair of the CEPS Taskforce on Software Vulnerability Disclosure in Europe. Furthermore, she is a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and an advisor to the Center for Humane Technology. Schaake was featured by Politico as one of the 28 most influential Europeans in the ‘class of 2017’.
Open source security: who’s responsible?
No software is immune from vulnerabilities. We’ve seen some of the world’s largest companies crippled by them. With always-evolving open source software and growing dependencies within it, staying on top of security can feel like an impossible task. That’s why it’s vital for any organization to have the right people and products for the job.
The speakers in this panel will explore different roles within development teams that keep code safe and how the open source community can work together to prioritize and collaborate on security solutions.
Rimas Silkaitis, Senior Director, Product Management (GitHub)
Rimas leads product management for teams and team collaboration at GitHub. Rimas has a passion for helping groups leverage their data to create better outcomes. He's run product for services like Heroku Postgres and Heroku Redis, made teams successful at using data with data visualization Chartio, and built data-intensive features as an engineer.
Lothar Schulz, Engineering Manager (Moovel Group GmbH)
Lothar is an Engineering Manager at Moovel Group GmbH. He brings decades of technical development and project management experience in the software, internet, mobile, telecommunication, and font industries from companies like Zalando, T-Systems, and Nokia.
Anna Debenham, Director of Product (Snyk)
Anna is a Director of Product at Snyk in London, working on a dev tool that helps make open source software more secure. Before moving to Product, she was an Engineer. Her goal is to make finding and fixing security vulnerabilities so easy that it becomes a standard part of every developer's workflow.
Per Ploug, Open Source Community Manager (Zalando SE)
Per Ploug is an Open Source Community Manager at Zalando, working to empower 2,000 developers involved in open source. Previously, he was a key figure in building and nurturing the commercial open source CMS project Umbraco, serving a community of 250,000 developers and powering 500,000 websites globally.
Tracy Miranda, Director of Open Source Community (CloudBees)
Tracy Miranda is Director of Open Source Community at CloudBees, where she works closely with the Jenkins & Jenkins X communities. A developer and open source veteran, Tracy is on the governing board for the CD.Foundation, after helping launch the foundation as the new home for open source software for Continuous Delivery. Tracy has a background in electronics system design and holds patents for her work on processor architectures. Tracy is a regular conference speaker and writes for and on tech, open source, and diversity.
There and back again: An adventure through the realms of open source software
Join Devon in exploring the distant lands of open source. She's brought us back customs from programming communities far and wide, to borrow and remix to solve problems back at home, wherever that may be.
Through hundreds of conversations with open source maintainers, Devon discovered that each niche of the developer ecosystem has come up with ingenious techniques and thoughtful methods of coordinating work, investment, and decision-making.
In this talk, we'll discuss a few local practices that Devon finds particularly inspiring. These communities are different from one another, but they share many of the same challenges, so it's valuable to look at what others have figured out, learn from those experiences, and to build on those innovations.
And her journey isn't over—Devon is eager to hear the best practices in your communities, too! The second half of the talk will open as a conversation, where Devon will invite the audience to come up in front of the stage area for a more direct discussion of what other practices we can borrow and build on from one another.
Devon Zuegel, Product Manager of the Open Source Economy team (GitHub)
Devon is the Product Manager of the Open Source Economy team at GitHub. She is a writer and programmer based out of San Francisco, and she blogs about cooperation problems, market design, and urban economics.
Open source security: advisories and workflows to keep open source secure
Security is the most critical challenge in open source today, and the GitHub Team is investing in helping developers and teams work through their pain points.
In this session, you'll learn how GitHub's tools are helping security researchers, maintainers, developers, and enterprises keep code secure.
Bryan Clark, Senior Manager, Product Management (GitHub)
Bryan is the Product leader for the Open Source Maintainer at GitHub. He has been working with Open Source for his entire career from Red Hat to Mozilla and lives with his amazing partner and 3 boys in Victoria, BC Canada.
Running GitHub Enterprise at scale in your organization
Learn best practices and features you can leverage to efficiently manage GitHub at an enterprise scale.
From SAML SSO to group management, to security and compliance, this session has you covered.
Mario Rodriguez, Senior Director of Product Management (GitHub)
Mario Rodriguez is a Senior Director of Product Management at GitHub, currently focusing on all things Enterprise. Prior to Github, Mario worked as Group Program Manager at Microsoft where he led the Azure DevOps Platform and Artifacts teams. Mario’s core identity is being a learner and time away from product engineering is often spent with his two daughters.
In the Shadow of the Black Hole
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a global network of millimeter-wavelength radio telescopes that uses Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) to synthesize the resolution of a single, Earth-sized telescope. In April 2017 the EHT observed the black hole in the center of the giant galaxy M87. Turning these observations into an image required the development of new software tools across the global EHT collaboration, and relied on a wealth of open-source software made available to the broader scientific community. In this panel talk, six members of the EHT team will walk through the entire EHT experiment from the individual telescopes that record the data through the calibration, imaging, and interpretation of the observations that lead to the first-ever direct image of a black hole released to the world on April 10th of this year.
Andrew Chael, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Kazu Akiyama, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Sara Issaoun, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Lindy Blackburn, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

CK Chan, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)

Roman Gold, Scientist (Event Horizon Telescopes)